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Ive decided to blog about our experience of having a premature baby and hopefully help others along the way.

Monday 6 June 2011

A Girl

 We "knew" we were expecting a girl and had already affectionately named my bump "Ellie belly" so when our friend offered to pay for a sexing scan for a Christmas present we couldn't wait to have it confirmed.
I was 22 weeks when we went to find out, lying there on the bed looking at the screen my heart sank as i saw 2 white dots I looked at my husband and his face dropped, he thought it too and said to the sonographer its a boy isn't it?  She looked at us and said no im pretty certain your expecting a girl and the 2 dots you see are her ovaries.
We were right we were expecting a girl and what a lovely shaped head she has from the scan photo, we were overjoyed, my son however was not and was very disappointed to learn he would be having a sister and not a brother.
Little did we know that in another 3 weeks time i would be in hospital and Ellie would be making an appearance sooner rather than later!
Ive never blogged before but many of my Internet friends do and I have always found them interesting and helpful. I thought that blogging about our experience may help others too.